How can I get my pupils to pay attention in class??

"You can have a positive classroom if you invest time and effort"

So are a teacher..but how do you know that you're actually TEACHing when this happens?

Getting your pupils' attention is easy : Just be a better teacher!...

The teacher is the key to successful management of pupils' learning and behavior in the classroom. YOU are the most important adult in the classroom and instrumental to the growth and development of pupils, be it intellectual, physical or psycho-social. In view of this, you as a teacher must examine how you manage yourself, in terms of your capabilities, interpersonal relations, image and reputation. The better you can manage yourself, the better your classes.

Teacher Leadership

A teacher must have the ability to provide the necessary leadership in the classroom. Here are some point we must look into:

  1. sets goals of learning and lesson objectives, organizes learning activities, evaluates instruction and establishes a positive learning environment.
  2. takes the lead how a class develops academically and socially.
  3. plans and organizes what to teach and how to teach.
  4. guides the pupils in their cognitive, effective and psycho-social development.
  5. gives the pupils a strong sense of security because she gives precise directions, clear objectives and is a role model to the pupils.
  6. take the initiative to cultivate the goodwill of parents and convince them that you has the best interest of their children at heart.

  Take the lead in your class, whether in organizing a conductive classroom for learning, leading the pupils in their learning journeys, establishing communication with parents. A teacher who provides leadership and initiative for her class is also a confident teacher.

Teacher-Pupil Relationship

"Know your pupils and they'll definitely know you for the rest of their lives"

Teacher-pupils relationships influence greatly pupils performance and development. Beginning teachers are sometimes at a loss as to how to relate appropriately with pupils. At the primary school level, it is whether the teacher assumes a motherly or fatherly stance, become surrogate parents during the period the children are in school.

You must have heart of this advise for the effective managing of pupil learning and behaviour: "It is important for you to establish close rapport with your pupils" It is certainly beneficial for you to heed it and put it into practice. Every teacher has their way of building rapport with their pupils but here 's some strategies for fostering rapport with your pupils:
  • Address pupils by their names
  • Instill a sense of class identity
  • Involve class in some decision-making
  • State realistic expectations
  • Show care and concern
  • Use humour

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